Please read the following copyright notice carefully before using our Website and the C2 Trend Platform.

C2 Fashion Studio S.r.l. (“C2 Fashion Studio”) retains the intellectual property rights to its electronic materials, specifically the proprietary content and tools available through its “Trend Platform.” However, it is crucial to note that C2 Fashion Studio does not assert ownership over every individual component of the content provided within the Trend Platform.

Any unauthorized modification, reproduction, transmission, distribution, sale, publication, communication, or dissemination of the content available on the Trend Platform is strictly prohibited without the prior express written consent of C2 Fashion Studio. Such activities are not only a violation of our intellectual property rights but may also infringe on the rights of third-party content owners.

In particular, with respect to the images featured on the Trend Platform, C2 Fashion Studio does not claim ownership over these images. Our role is editorial and informational, aimed at curating and presenting fashion trend details to our users. We collect and select images from various sources with the intention of providing our customers with content that is both informative and inspiring. Each image is duly credited, with appropriate references to the original source or acknowledgment of the author’s name, where available.

It is imperative to understand that the images are compiled solely for the purpose of inspiration, serving as a visual aid to understand and explore fashion trends. These images are not intended, nor should they be used, for any commercial purpose without obtaining the necessary permissions from the respective rights holders.

By using the Trend Platform, you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of C2 Fashion Studio and any third parties involved, acknowledging the restrictions on use as outlined above. For any inquiries or requests for permission to use content from the Trend Platform, please contact us directly at